Saturday, December 20, 2008

chasing tumbleweeds

so tour happened and was amazing. then there was a play. then there was decompression from both of these things. and some illness. but, I am writing finally after performing so much, and doing others' work (and some of my own)... I've been cleaning a lot and working on more physical creativity.

BUT. everything is coming together into something that I think I know what it is, but it still is revealing itself to me. I feel that my work is modular, in the sense that the pieces are stand-alone, but can be configured to be more thematic and a part of something larger. I'm developing the something larger. it feels amazing.

to prepare, I'm lining up smaller performances to test things out. eventually, I'll piece them together. sometime in the summer. I'm going on tour, methinks, with mainly my own work.

but, more immediately, I have a performance lined up for January 11th, which I will divulge more about very soon!