Monday, October 23, 2006


you nailed me to the door that you walked out of
you thought I was your neighbor's cat
I'm not the messiah that you had thought of
I've never pulled a rabbit from my hat
I'd be your saviour if you were more willing
but your head is full of thorny crowns
it's three days past Easter, but I'm still a pagan
I'm so busy rolling tombstones around
so tell me, dear, how's your angel?
has she grown any more horns today?
I heard she was caught picking pockets
but there's no real evidence, it's only hearsay

I thought I was you too many times
Judas Iscariot, you've fooled me again
I can't hear, I think I am blind
because I cannot seem to feel my feel my friends
how can I know where I'm going
if you won't tell me where I've been?
why do I ask? you have no way of knowing
assumption, yes, is the original sin
so hold me close, my sweet devil
tell me, have shined any more haloes today?
I need to divine a shovel
so I can dig my own grave
my very own grave

too many times I've run around
too many times I've been cut back down
too many times thought I was you
too many times is much too much
what can I do?
what can I do?

I need to divine a shovel
so I can dig my own grave
my own shade of grey

[song, complete with chord progression, circa 1997-8] I just relearned/refashioned this one. there is a part of me that is slightly bothered by the beginning of the first verse, ending with prepositions, but I've decided that the flaw just wants to remain there, and who I am to judge how the song wants to be?